Our Story: Video Series

Sustainable Documentary & Video Series
Education: Ivanna Hernandez, STEAM/Science
Ivanna Hernandez, an aerospace enthusiast, astronomer and 2021 Young Women in STEAM grant recipient embarks on a journey to become the first Latin American woman in space. Through her persistence and passion for aerospace, Ivanna continues to pursue her goals and dreams of soaring to new heights and taking flight despite the limited access for young women in Colombia to receive education in aerospace. She is guided along the way by inspirational teachers and mentors helping her to achieve her dreams.
Producers: Mary Kay Inc., Ivanna Hernandez
Premier Date: October 2022
Website: N/A
Video: https://youtu.be/AWyvL8EpjWg
Economic Empowerment: Daughters of the Moon
“Huobonuoma” or “Daughters of the Moon” features the real-life stories of three women leaders from the village of Waipula in Yunnan Province, China – site of implementation of a SDG Pilot Village Project. The film presents how Shiqiong Han, Yongyan Zhu and Xuefang Xia have contributed to the village’s economic, environmental and social transformation through their leadership and commitment to preserving the Yi heritage, promoting eco-tourism, and integrating sustainable agricultural practices. Also featured in the video are key partner representatives who highlight the advancements that have taken place in the village by targeting women’s entrepreneurship as a key driver of poverty reduction and local sustainable development.
Producers: Mary Kay Inc., United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) China, Mary Kay China in collaboration with the China Women’s Development Foundation, China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges, Women’s Federation of Yunnan Province Yongren County Government
Premier Date: August 2022
Website: N/A
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2QHcyTwnhs
Carbon: Forest of Hope
Angélica Torres is a 71-year-old eco-warrior in Mexico. From humble beginnings she has become an entrepreneur, an inspiration and a symbol for female empowerment to the women in her community. Her passion for protecting the environment is matched only by her compassion for the women of her village.Combining the two, Angélica has created an eco-sustainability initiative that is breathing new life into the forests and bringing new
Producers: Mary Kay Inc., The Nature Conservancy, Mujeres Unidas Para La Conservación de Laguna de Sanchez
Premier Date: October 2021
Website: www.monterreyforestofhope.com
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YlHWkbKe2U
Cancer: Look Good Feel Better
This short film shares an intimate portrait of women who have gone through and are still going through cancer. They know firsthand what it is like to sideline your looks and appearance while experiencing the aftereffects of chemotherapy treatment. The film embraces the heart-warming stories of others while connecting with the idea of looking good and feeling better during and after cancer. Follow the journey of one woman’s transformation through a virtual tutorial makeover and discover her beauty inside and out.
Producers: Mary Kay Inc., Look Good Feel Better (UK)
Premier Date: February 2021
Website: N/A
Water: Guardians of the Gulf
The Gulf of Mexico has long been impacted by catastrophic natural disasters like hurricanes, overfishing, agricultural run-off and oil spills. However, it continues to support one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth with over 15,000 species. This resilience is tenuous. Like any relationship—only so much can be taken without giving back.
In Guardians of the Gulf, the Gulf of Mexico is given a voice by her caretakers to tell a story of generosity and strength. These conservationists, fisherpeople, tour operators, chefs and student leaders strive to improve sustainability in their work and community. Through action, they see change. Through change, they see hope.
Producers: Mary Kay Inc., The Nature Conservancy, GulfCorps
Premiere Date: October 2020
Website: https://www.guardiansofthegulf.com/
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg_zwehMPSs
Domestic Violence Awareness: Victims Voices
Data is still emerging about the impact of the pandemic on domestic violence incidents. The pandemic exacerbated an existing problem for women—the difficulty of safely leaving their abusers and gathering information to support their cases. VictimsVoice, an app that allows a person to discreetly collect and store the kind of evidence that law enforcement and DAs need to charge and prosecute an abuser, or get a restraining order. Through the Mary Kay Ash Foundation, Mary Kay supports domestic violence shelters and advocates for ending domestic violence globally.
Premier date: October 2020
Website: N/A
Video: https://youtu.be/MTWtA1biOuU